
Distributed Incident Management for HAFEN WIEN (Port of Vienna)

3 million square meters. 3 freight ports. Direct connection to rail, road and ship traffic. Direct connection to the refinery Schwechat. 1000 cargo ships per year – HAFEN WIEN represents a unique logistics hub in the Vienna area.

Of course, operating such an infrastructure requires a corresponding incident management. All possible incident categories, ranging from floods to accidents, must be dealt with in a timely, coordinated and documented manner.

Since the beginning of the year, HAFEN WIEN has been relying on Unite Alert, a distributed incident management system from Control Center Apps GmbH. The core idea of ​​the system is to allow all important activities like reporting incidents, alerting responsible personnel, coordinating the operation, communication, multimedia documentation and recording to be done via a simple mobile app. This enables the management of an incident from virtually anywhere and is not limited to an operation center.

Herr Lutz"Whether it's a flood or an industrial accident: every type of incident requires coordination by appropriate specialists. It was important to HAFEN WIEN to choose a system that would allow the relevant specialist to coordinate the incident from his current location."Harald Lutz Head of IT Systems Engineering

After a short conceptual phase, Unite Alert was deployed as Software as a Service (SaaS) within just three months and was put into production after a short trial period at the beginning of the year.

Read more about Unite Alert.

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